‘Team Building’, seriously WTF!?

Janet MacFarlane
5 min readNov 8, 2017

Why are we making people do things they don’t like?

Almost a 3rd of employees ‘don’t like it’, which is a euphuism really after reading some of the feedback online (its not hard to find).

“Every year we have some stupid team building event. Everyone hates them. Sad part is that management truly thinks they are doing us a favor by hosting them, and stand their beaming at us with such a look of satisfaction. We endure them, and fly home thinking what a waste of time.”

“This “catch me while I fall backwards” crap is utter nonsense.”

“..sometimes it can actually be interesting, but usually stupid and a waste of time. Add the stress of knowing that management is watching to see that everyone is doing it enthusiastically”

“Been through it all. Team building, high performance teams, self-directed teams, etc. Mostly a waste of time. It was more like forming a group and then be manipulated by management for their own means and goals. Not ours.”

It’s not the ‘I don’t like it’ part that’s questionable, but whether it could ever be effective (and worse, be counterproductive) if you’re making people do things they don’t want to do.

80% of ‘team building’ is made up of ‘fun’ games, ‘ice breakers’, problem & puzzle solving and awkward recreational activities.

They feel forced, fake, awkward, uncomfortable and are sometimes just simply embarrassing!

“Begin by asking each participant to close their eyes for one minute and consider the best moments of their lives.”

“The volunteer zombie will be tied to the rope in the corner of the room”

Why are we being asked to have physical, intimate contact with people we barely know?

“Pairs sit back-to-back, arms linked and have to stand up together.”

“the person in the centre of the circle (the willow) is gently passed around the circle in any direction by the spotters. “

Why are being asked to get ‘creative’ with people we can’t be sure won’t judge or reject us?

“pretend they are the persona of their favourite animal or car”

“choose, rehearse, and perform a lip-synced version of whatever work-friendly song they like”

It’s also difficult to understand how these efforts can be effective in building stronger bonds between people.

Apart from having ‘AWKWARD’ written all over it, what do you ‘know’ about someone after letting them lead you blind around an obstacle course or falling backwards into their arms?

#One : You ‘know’ they’re a non-sadistic human being, for not letting you crack your head open on the floor or walk into a wall.

#Two : You can trust they have the competence to physically hold you up.

These are basic levels of human civility. If you think that this level of trust is missing and needs to be improved, you have a far greater problem on hand than an inefficient team.

What trust has been developed in team building activities that involve fun games, activities, learning experiences and problem-solving tasks?

  1. Trust in your competence to puzzle solve, follow instructions, kick a ball, cook a meal.
  2. Trust in your ability to cooperate in a no-risk, stress free, no-pressure, fun environment.
  3. Trust that you have basic manners to be polite, supportive or kind.

How does that low level ‘trust’ translate to real change in the workplace?

The truth is, it doesn’t.

Recreational team building is popular, and it seems that most companies go into these activities with a ‘hit & hope’ strategy which typically goes like this; we want to build better team bonds, so we’ll get them to participate in an activity together and hopefully they’ll have positive exchanges that will foster a deeper relationship that will have carry on benefits after the event.

Fun activities that help people see each other in a different light allowing them to connect in a different setting.

Such a passive, un-focused approach, when resources are limited and relationships potentially fragile, is costly.

What we should be engaging in are activities that are focused, effective and provide maximum value for the limited time and money being invested.

Is Winners vs Losers A Good idea?

In any competitive activity that has winners, there will also be ‘losers’. Half of your team is exhilarant, while the other is defeated..

I need our team to work together. So, let’s go kick the crap out of each other in this intense, highly competitive team building event.

Here’s 3 good reasons why you should reconsider competitive ‘team building’;

·#1 Studies show that we learn less when we compete and more when we cooperate.

#2 Competing can drown out the value and focus of cooperation.

#3 Competing can bring the worst out in people, exaggerate people’s insecurities or bravado.

Where to from here?

‘Team Building’ needs a make over. Stop putting people in awkward situations that they’re expected to like and ‘grow’ from.

Improving capability needs professional, focused developmental activities.

Building relationships is an organic process, that requires vulnerability and exchanges of information and value to build understanding, trust, empathy, credibility and respect.

Recreational activities are great for boosting morale, firing up motivation or letting off some pressure so your team can relax, regroup and re-energize. But they are a hit & hope approach when it comes to being effective at strengthening relationships. It is highly inefficient for people that don’t already have a certain level of trust or connection.

Competing can be fun, and it can build camaraderie, but it must be well suited to the team and your objectives.

Here are the top 3 things for effective team building.

#1 Know your people.

#2 Understand the relationships that exist between them.

#3 Understand your problem and create focused objectives.

Lastly, don’t make people do things they don’t want to do.

If you want to build better teams faster, here’s a FREE LIST OF 100+ great team building activities that are segmented based on team readiness.

I’m curious to know what your experience or challenges are with team building, so please leave a comment :)

Photo by Michael Mroczek on Unsplash



Janet MacFarlane
Janet MacFarlane

Written by Janet MacFarlane

On a mission to help the world build better relationships in the workplace. #socialhealth #bettertogether Founder @ www.socialclub.io

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